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3 tips for preparing for an imminent divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2019 | Divorce

Your family is the most important thing to you. Sadly, you also know that your spouse isn’t happy and may be pursing a divorce.

In the meantime, you want to do all you can to protect yourself. If you are served divorce papers, you want to be prepared to ask for what you need from the marriage and to protect your right to see your children.

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prepare for a divorce. Your attorney will talk to you about specific ways to address your divorce, but these are some helpful tips that all people who may be involved in a divorce should consider.

1. Start collecting proof of your assets and have them assessed

The first step is to start collecting information about your assets. From printouts of your bank account information to stocks and bonds, you need to identify all your marital assets. On top of this, you should identify separate assets and make sure you can prove that they are not marital assets, so you can keep them for yourself.

Additionally, you should have your assets assessed, so you know how much they’re worth when going through property division negotiations.

2. Separate your finances

If you’re not sure if a divorce will happen, you might not want to separate all your finances, but it’s a good choice to set up a separate bank account for savings and to route some of your funds there. Start building up a nest egg, so you can have money to fall back on if your accounts are locked during a divorce.

3. Talk to your attorney

If you think divorce is in the cards, then it’s a good idea to talk to your attorney as soon as possible. They’ll be able to give you tips on the professionals you’ll need to work with and will help you start to put together a plan for protecting your assets. Your attorney will also talk to you about other aspects of your divorce, such as child custody concerns, the need for spousal support or the risk of paying support and child support rights or responsibilities.

The sooner you speak with an attorney, the better. Even if a divorce doesn’t end up taking place, this will help you assess what you have in your life and have a plan in place if you ever are served with papers by your disgruntled spouse.