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What do most people get wrong about spousal support?

On Behalf of | Apr 1, 2022 | Alimony/Spousal Support

Going through a divorce can be a complex endeavor. Between dividing assets and negotiating spousal support, it can seem like there is a lot to accomplish before your divorce is complete.

In Michigan, spousal support, formerly called “alimony,” can be temporary or permanent and is meant to support a spouse who does not have the means to support themselves after divorce. Movies, TV and other media have created many misconceptions about spousal support.

Here’s what you should know about some of the common myths behind spousal support.

Spousal support creates a windfall

Often, spousal support can seem like a zero-sum game; one spouse’s gain is the other’s loss. Like many divorce issues, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Typically, one spouse would prefer not to pay spousal support, and the other is struggling to get back on their feet after the divorce. The right amount of spousal support can help a spouse who may have difficulty supporting themselves after the divorce, not to make one spouse wealthy and the other poor.

Spousal support creates conflict

Whether you are fighting to receive spousal support or you do not want to pay spousal support, it might be time to shift your perspective on what spousal support is and what it is not.

If you find yourself fighting about spousal support, it is important to keep in mind that spousal support means your relationship will continue. While you will no longer be married, you will still have a connection to your ex. When you can settle on a peaceful spousal support agreement, you can provide or receive the appropriate amount of support without negative feelings.

Ultimately, you need to consider your goals with spousal support. A skilled professional can help you negotiate a fair agreement for spousal support.