Many parents working together to raise their children live in different houses. Each parent plays an important role in the lives of the children, and they also serve as a source of support for each other. They share time with the children, as well as financial and legal responsibility for them.
As the children in a family approach school age, parents will have to start thinking about what schools the children will attend. The school where your children receive their education will determine their social circles and will largely dictate their opportunities for decades to come.
How can you make the best choice when you and your ex share custody across two different school districts?
Evaluate your options carefully
The district where you reside is where your children can attend school. Whichever parent has primary custody will have their address used to determine the school district for the children. Even if the nearest school isn’t ideal, you need to consider all the schools in the district.
Michigan does permit School of Choice transfers, meaning that if your children should geographically attend one school in the district but you would prefer that they attend a different elementary school in the same district, you can file paperwork to initiate a process that will get your children into the school you prefer.
In some cases, the two of you may need to agree to modify your existing custody arrangement so that the children can use the other parent’s address to access the schools that you agree would be the best choice for them.
Cooperation is key when addressing co-parenting matters
You and your ex so will have a much easier time giving your children the best opportunities in life when you work together rather than fighting each other. If you support one another as co-parents and keep your focus on the big picture of what is best for your kids, your entire family will benefit from that cooperation and effort.
Helping your children obtain the best education possible may require that you revisit your shared custody arrangements, but the two of you can cooperate to make uncontested modifications to your existing order for the benefit of your children. Keeping your children’s needs centered in all of your child custody decisions will benefit them and make co-parenting less contentious.