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Helping People Move
Forward With Their Lives

Modifying Child Custody And Support For Livingston County Clients

Circumstances can change in the years following a divorce. If the circumstances are significant, modifications can be made to existing court orders. Enforcement actions can also be taken if one of the parties is not complying with court orders. Our Howell child modifications attorneys can assist with all of these matters and more.

For more than 35 years, our lawyers have sought the best possible outcomes for our clients — even years after a divorce has been finalized. At Gormley Law Offices, PLC, we are trial lawyers who do not litigate family law cases merely for the sake of litigating. If your modification or enforcement matter can be handled outside the courtroom, we can ensure that it will be. Call our Howell or Fowlerville office at 517-219-9301.

What Can Be Modified?

Court orders involving children and finances (with the general exception of property division) can be modified. Our attorneys represent people who would like to change the existing order and those who are contesting the proposed changes. For a modification to be granted, it must be proven that there has been a significant change in material circumstances. We handle:

  • Parenting time modification: The request for modifications can arise due to economic factors such as job loss, remarriage, the child’s or children’s extracurricular schedules, a parent’s new relationship, alcohol or drug abuse, child neglect and relocation.
  • Child support modification: In Michigan, child support is modified once every three years. However, if there has been a significant change of income between time periods, a modification can be granted.
  • Spousal support modification: When spousal support is determined, it is also deemed modifiable or not modifiable. If there has been a significant economic change in a modifiable situation, the request may be granted.

Do You Need Assistance With An Enforcement Issue?

Our Webberville enforcement attorneys represent individuals who need to collect delinquent child support and spousal support payments, as well as those who have been unable to make support payments. If you need to collect payments, our attorneys can use methods that include seizing tax returns, bank accounts and vehicles for past-due child support and alimony.

If you are unable to continue making payments, or if you have a valid reason for being unable to make payments, we can bring that to light. For example, job loss is a significant factor that can result in the inability to make support payments. The does not provide for retroactive modification of child support.

Learn More From Our Skilled Attorneys

Would you like to speak with an attorney regarding a modification or enforcement of an existing divorce order? We serve clients throughout Livingston County and nearby areas, including Howell, Fowlerville and . To schedule your free consultation, call 517-219-9301. You may also contact our attorneys online. Our office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, with weekend and evening hours by appointment.